The lead editorial in yesterday's Herald both took issue with our stance that the transit decision was too hasty and agreed with us on the details. While we think our concern is about more than details, it was an interesting attempt to square the circle.
We'll post more details on transit -- and a couple of very interesting ideas on how to move forward -- over the next few days, but would love your thoughts on this. As it now stands, it's starting to look like the best thing Council could do is cancel the useless NW extension to Tuscany and start thinking about an airport spur line or really interesting dedicated busways (e.g. on 14th St SW) with that money.
I admit that my serious bias towards action says " getting council to move, however hasty, is better than sitting idle". The best thing that the City could do is realize that just because something has been on the books for thirty years doesn't mean it is appropriate today. Stop hiding behind outdated plans, ARPs, tradition and look towards 2020 when Calgary will be 30-40% larger (in population, let's hope not in area)with different economic drivers and government partners that do not have budget surplus. How do we want to transport residents in the future. Aside from the immediate decision to spend the $1 Billion windfall, there is an opportunity to reallocate transportation dollars from the current 35/65 transit/roads model to a 65/35 system. Practices, policies and projects would follow the money and within a decade attitudes towards transit would change. Is there a leader with the courage to lead - not likely with Pave Bronconnier at the helm.
I am not familiar with the details of the transit debate or the routes, but I do have an idea for Mt Royal.
I'd suspect that one reason why there is no service to the school is that it hasn't been deemed economically viable. Without having crunched the numbers, perhaps the school could consider a mandatory student fee that would, in exchange, give students a transit pass valid for the school year and a commitment from the Calgary transit people to create a route to the school. Yes, it's effectively a subsidy for non-users, but provides a guaranteed revenue stream for the Transit folks and affordable service for students.
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